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How to Verify Proxy Contract

Please learn how to deploy an upgradable NRC20 contract here

Flatten your contract

Install flattener

npm install truffle-flattener -g
Run the following command:
$ truffle-flattener NRC20TokenImplementation.sol > NRC20TokenImplementationFlattened.sol
$ truffle-flattener NRC20UpgradeableProxy.sol > NRC20UpgradeableProxyFlattened.sol"

Compile and deploy your contract with Remix

Compile Implementation contract

  • Open Remix IDE:
  • Select solidity language
  • Create new contract NRC20Token.sol and copy contract code from flattened NRC20TokenImplementationFlattened.sol
  • Compile the implementation contract
  • Click on this button to switch to the compile page
  • Select “NRC20TokenImplementation” contract
  • Enable “Auto compile” and “optimization”
  • Click “ABI” to copy the contract abi and save it.

Deploy the implementation contract

  • Select “Injected Web3”
  • Select “NRC20TokenImplementation” contract
  • Click the “Deploy” button and Metamask will pop up
  • Click the “confirm” button to sign and broadcast the transaction to NC.
  • Then, you need to initialize the token: fill in all the parameters and click on “transact”


Note: Owner should be the address who send the deploy transaction before.

  • Click on the “Copy” icon to save the initializatioin data: Like the following: ```
  • Confirm your transaction in MetaMask


Compile Proxy Contract

  • Create new contract proxy.sol and copy contract code from flattened NRC20UpgradeableProxyFlattened.sol. Here is and example
  • Compile the proxy contractClick on this button to switch to the compile page
  • Select “NRC20UpgradeableProxy” contract
  • Enable “Auto compile” and “optimization”Click “ABI” to copy the contract abi and save it.

Deploy the proxy contract

  • Select “Injected Web3”Select “NRC20UpgradeableProxy.sol” contract
  • Fill in the parameters


Logic: The address of NRC20Implementation contract Admin: admin cannot be NRC20 token owner Data: use the initialization data you saved before

  • Click the “Deploy” button and Metamask will pop up
  • Click the “confirm” button to sign and broadcast transaction to NC.

Verify Proxy Contract on BscScan

Note: The way to verify the NRC20TokenImplementation contract is the same as before.

  • Go to your contact page and click on “Verify and Publish”


  • Select Single file


  • Copy your contract code below and check “Optimization” if it’s enabled
  • Contractor Data: Please use this site for getting the correct constructor data:

First, you need to copy ABI json of “NRC20UpgradeableProxy.sol” contractThen, click on “Parse”


Add all those 3 parameters as indicated. Then copy/paste the result.

That’s it! You have verified your proxy contract.


  • Click on “More Options” and choose “is this a proxy”.


  • Verify your proxy address


  • Confirm the implementation address.


If you go back to the contract page and you can see two more buttons “Read as Proxy” and “Write as Proxy”
