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Buy NT as Gas


This feature is available in v2

Why do we need this feature?

When users swap their tokens to the NRC20 equivalents on NexDAX Chain, they also need to get some NT to pay for gas.


  • The destination network has to be NexDAX Chain
  • The token is a popular BToken, such as BTC, ETH, USDT, BUSD
  • The total of your swap order has to be greater than 2NT

How many NT you can get?

There are 3 options: 0.5 NT, 1NT and 2 NT

User Guide

1. Input your order information


2. Check the box "I want to swap some NT gas in this order"

3. Choose NT amount

4. Confirm the order information


The network fee should be the sum of the fee for swapping assets and the fee for purchasing NT on your behalf.


The network fees are floating, you might get a different rate than you expected when your order is completed.

The actual amount of network fee you have to pay is network fee*(1-discount) When the discount is 100%, the network fee is free.

5. Complete the deposit transaction by sending the exact amount of token to the address shown


6. You can also verify the order process from the “History” board.



The actual amount of token you receive can be different from the confirmation page

Calculation formula:

Received token = Input amount - network fee - cost to buy NT